Present Participles or Past Participles After be

  1. The sick girl was taken to see a doctor.
  2. Oscar is bringing some drinks to the our home.
  3. He think your staff are tired because they have been working hard two day.
  4. The organic products will be sent immediately after two week.
  5. The lost child hasn't been found.
  6. The teacher is preparing a difficult exam for the students. 
  7. The diamond jewelry is always kept in a safe place.
  8. Messi is watching the movie in the cinema.
  9. He has been to Liverpool six times.
  10. The baby crying out loud may be hungry.
  11. The Pizza was cut into five equal pieces.
  12. I thought the show was fun.
  13. The class is taught every other semester.
  14. She was reading a newspaper.
  15. She was studying the acting all night long.

   Base Form Verbs After Modals

  1.        My brother might have warned Nino not to eat rare cooked Lobster because of the bacteria.
  2.     .  She could sit on the library for hours.
  3.        She can speak Spain.
  4.        You must be kind to everyone.
  5.        She knew that he would forget the Raul phone number.
  6.        Ray should change him mind about this case. 
  7.        She may lie to you because she is not very truthful.
  8.        He will ask you many difficult questions.
  9.        The weatherman said that it might snow tomorrow.
  10.        Nickel might be sad because she didn't see The Beatles concert last night in Depok.
  11.        You should try to respond politely.
  12.        He can look at the book, but he cannot borrow it.
  13.        You should talk to each other more often.
  14.        Iniesta would be dating an Italian women this day. 
  15.        Everyone must leave the room immediately. 

Agreement After Certain Words

  1. My brother always came to field to watch football every player plays.
  2. Every girl plays lego at home background.
  3. Every boy buys dinner at cafe everyday after college.
  4. Everybody at Labuan Bajo are seeing sunlight at beach.
  5. Nothing is not impossible if we can do it.
  6. Each flower in the garden grows beautiful.
  7. Nobody in this country is break the world record this girl.
  8. Someone has work hard to get money.
  9. Each motorcycle in the warehouse solds seperately.
  10. Everyone are going to cinema.
  11. Something has change since my sister go.
  12. No one can't plays even i teach them.
  13. Everything Xavi do is bads for his friends.
  14. Everyone eats pizza.
  15. Anyone in this room is watching the theater.

Past Partiple After 'Have'

  1. Their mothers have allowed them to stay up late.
  2. Oge have breakfast for today.
  3. Have you seen monster before?
  4. We had complete the work home.
  5. have to drunk orange juice since nine days ago.
  6. She has found the missing motorcycle key.
  7. He has ridden her car to school every day.
  8. She has to beaten the base ball highscore at timezone.
  9. Messi had eaten all cakes.
  10. They have already heard the bad news.
  11. Inga has became officer since year ago.
  12. He has never run away from school.
  13. I have always belived to God.
  14. The zombie has awoken because bait by other viruss.
  15. We have put their keys in bag.


Agreement After Prepositional Phrases

  1. The competition at mall gandaria begins at 6.00 the evening
  2. Most of cats always crushed bone.
  3. The tables under the chair in the dining room is quite comfortable.
  4.  Ice cubes in an insulated glass melts slowly even on hot summer days.
  5. The cars and motorcycles are very expensive one.
  6. During the week eat lunch in office cafetarian.
  7. The famous people always show on television.
  8. The Doctor handed the cure to patiens.
  9. The supplies (for the camping trip) needs to be packed.
  10. The drums are played by them.
  11. The door needs painting.
  12. The door(at the house) is broken.
  13. The football coach, as well as the team members, do calisthenics every morning.
  14. The food for the guests at the party are on the long tables.
  15. The man at along street needs a taksi.

Expressions of Quantity 

  1. There are not any sugar in the glass
  2. There are no kids in your home
  3. Some don’t believe in Dragon
  4. She has a lot of dogs
  5. Lots of snakes are here
  6.  I saw there were plenty of eggs in the freezer
  7. Most of the documents are saved in the shelf
  8. Did you eat all my apples
  9. Both of the girls are beautiful.
  10. He needed some sugar for her coffee
  11. Several Lions are running.
  12. I saw many cows in the garden.
  13. Most (of the student) arrives at school.
  14. Xavi made a few mistakes.
  15. There are lots of peoples around here.

Sumber :

Reading Comprehension Passage 1

This rapid transcontinental settlement and these new urban industrial circumstances of the last half of the 19“’ century were accompanied by the development of a national literature of great abundance and variety. Line New themes, new forms, new subjects, new regions, new authors, new audiences all emerged in the literature of this half century. As a result, at the onset of World War I, the spirit and substance of American literature had evolved remarkably, just as its center of production had shifted from Boston to New York In the late 1880s and the sources of its energy to Chicago and the Midwest. No longer was it produced, at least in its popular forms, in the main by solemn, typically moralistic men from New England and the Old South; no longer were polite, well-dressed, grammatically correct, middle-class young people the only central characters in its narratives no longer were these narratives to be set in exotic places and remote times; no longer, indeed, were fiction, poetry, drama, and formal history the chief acceptable forms of literary expression; no longer, finally, was literature read primarily by young, middle class women. In sum, American literature in these years fulfilled in considerable measure the condition Walt Whitman called for inl867 in describing Leaves of Grass: It treats, he said of his own major work, each state and region as peers “and expands from them, and includes the world … connecting an American citizen with the citizens of all nations.” At the same time, these years saw the emergence of what has been designated “the literature of argument,” powerful works in sociology, philosophy, psychology, many of them impelled by the spirit of exposure and reform. Just as America learned to play a role in this half century as an autonomous international political, economic, and military power, so did its literature establish itself as a producer of major works.

1. The main idea of this passage is …
(A) that the new American literature was less provincial than the old
(B) that World War I caused a dramatic change in America
(C) that centers of culture shifted from East to West
(D) that most people were wary of the new literature
Jawab: (A) that the new American literature was less provincial
Keyword: were accompanied by the development of a national literature
Pembahasan: Gagasan utama dari bacaan ini adalah sastra Amerika baru kurang kedaerahan dari yang lawas (that the new American literature was less provincial than the old).
2. It can be inferred from lines 1-3 that the previous passage probably discussed …
(A) the Importance of tradition to writers
(B) new developments in industrialization and population shifts
(C) the fashions and values of 19th century America
(D) the limitations of American literature to this time
Jawab: (B) new developments In Industrialization and population shifts
Keyword: the rapid transcontinental settlement and these new urban Industrial
Pembahasan: Yang dapat disimpulkan dari kalimat 1 adalah perkembangan pergeseran industrialisasl dan populasi yang baru (new developments in industrialization and population shifts).
3. The word “evolved” is closest in meaning to…
(A) became famous
(B) turned back
(C) diminished
(D) changed
Jawab: (D) changed
Keyword: had shifted from
Pembahasan: evolved – berevolusi became famous = menjadi terkenal turned back = berbalik diminished = berkurang changed = berubah
4. The word “it” refers to…
(A) the population
(B) the energy
(C) American literature
(D) the manufacturing
Jawab: (C) American literature Keyword: the spirit and substance of American literature
Keyword: the spirit and substance of American literature
Pembahasan: Kata “it” mengacu pada sastra Amerika (American literature).
5. The word “exotic” is closest in meaning to…
(A) urban
(B) unusual
(C) well-known
(D) old-fashioned
Jawab : (B) unusual Keyword Pembahasan
Keyword: exotic places and remote times
Pembahasan: Kata “exotic” = eksotis arti yang terdekat unusual = tidak biasa
• urban = perkotaan
• unusual = tidak biasa
• well-known = terkenal
• old-fashioned = kuno
6. The author uses the word “indeed” for what purpose?
(A) to emphasize the contrast he is making
(B) for variety in a lengthy paragraph
(C) to wind down his argument
(D) to show a favorable attitude to these forms of literature
Jawab: (A) to emphasize the contrast he is making
Keyword: no longer
Pembahasan: Penulis menggunakan kata ” indeed = benar” untuk menekankan kontras (to emphasize the contrast he is making).
7. The phrase “these years” in line 17 refers to …
(A) 1850-1900
(B) the 1900s
(C) the early 1800s
(D) the present
Jawab: (A) 1850-1900
Keyword: in late 1880s
Pembahasan: Ungkapan “these years = bertahun-tahun” dalam mengacu pada 1850-1900.
8. It can be inferred from the passage that Walt Whitman…
(A) disliked urban life
(B) was disapproving of the new literature
(C) wrote Leaves of Grass
(D) was an international diplomat
Jawab: (C) wrote Leaves of Grass Keyword: in describing Leaves of Grass
Keyword: in describing Leaves of Grass
Pembahasan: Hal yang dapat disimpulkan tentang Walt Whitman adalah menulis Leaves of Grass.
9. All of the following can be inferred from the passage about the new literature EXCEPT…
(A) it was not highly regarded Internationally
(B) it introduced new american themes, characters, and settings
(C) itbrokewithmanyliterarytraditionsofthepast
(D) it spoke to the issue of reform and change
Jawab: (A) ft was not highly regarded internationally
Keyword: 50 did its literature establish itself
Pembahasan: Simpulan di atas adalah benar tentang “new literature” literatur baru kecuali sangat tidak dihargai secara internasional (It was not highly regarded internationally).
10. This passage would probably be read in which of the following academic courses?
(A) European history
(B) American literature
(C) Current events
(D) International affairs
Jawab: (B) American literature
Keyword: substance of American literature

Reading Comprehension Passage 2

Scientists do not yet thoroughly understand just how the body of an individual becomes sensitive to a substance that is harmless or even wholesome for the average person. Milk, wheat, and egg, for example. Line rank among the most healthful and widely used foods. Yet these foods can cause persons sensitive to them to suffer greatly. At first, the body of the individual is not harmed by coming into contact with the substance. After a varying interval of time, usually longer than a few weeks, the body becomes sensitive to it, and an allergy has begun to develop. Sometimes it’s hard to figure out if you have a food allergy since it can show up so many different ways.
Your symptoms could be caused by many other problems. You may have rashes, hives, joint pains mimicking arthritis, headaches, irritability, or depression. The most common food allergies are to milk, eggs, seafood, wheat, nuts, seeds, chocolate, oranges, and tomatoes. Many of these allergies will not develop if these foods are not fed to an infant until her or his intestines mature at around seven months.
Breast milk also tends to be protective. Migraines can be set off by foods containing tyramine, phenethylamine, monosodium glutamate, or sodium nitrate. Common foods which contain these are chocolate, aged cheeses, sour cream, red wine, pickled herring, chicken livers, avocados, ripe bananas, cured meats, many Oriental and prepared foods (read the labels!). Some people have been successful in treating their migraines with supplements of B-vitamins, particularly B6 and niacin.
Children who are hyperactive may benefit from eliminating food additives, especially colorings, and foods high in salicylates from their diets. A few of these are almonds, green peppers, peaches, tea, grapes. This is the diet made popular by Benjamin Feingold, who has written the book Why your Child is 30 Hyperactive. Other researchers have had mixed results when testing whether the diet is effective.

11. The topic of this passage is…
(A) reactions to foods
(B) food and nutrition
(C) infants and allergies
(D) a good diet
Jawab: (A) reactions to foods
Keyword: an individual becomes sensitive to a substance
Pembahasan: Topik dari bacaan tersebut adalah reaksi terhadap makan (reactios of foods).
12. According to the passage, the difficulty in diagnosing allergies to foods is due to …
(A) the vast number of different foods we eat
(B) lack of a proper treatment plan
(C) the similarity of symptoms of the allergy to other problems
(D) the use of prepared formula to feed babies
Jawab: (C) the similarity of symptoms of the allergy to other problems
Keyword: it can show up so many different ways
Pembahasan: Menurut bagian ini, kesutitan dalam mendiagnosis alergi terhadap makanan adalah karena kemiripan gejala alergi dengan masalah lain (the similarity of symptoms of the allergy to other problems).
13. The word “symptoms” in line 8 is closest in meaning to …
(A) indications
(B) diet
(C) diagnosis
(D) prescriptions
Jawab: (A) indications
Keyword: could be caused by many other problems
• symptoms = gejala
•  indications = indikasi
• diet = diet
• diagnosis = diagnosis
• prescriptions = resep
14. The phrase “set off” is closest the meaning …
(A) relieved
(B) identified
(C) avoided
(D) triggered
Jawab: (D) triggered
Keyword: by foods containing
Pembahasan: Ungkapan “set off” adalah paling mirip dengan arti triggered = dipicu
• relieved = lega
• identified= diidentifikasi
• avoided= dihindari
15. What can be inferred about babies from this passage?
(A) They can eat almost anything.
(B) They should have a carefully restricted diet as infants.
(C) They gain little benefit from being breast fed.
(D)They may become hyperactive if fed solid food too early.
Jawab: (B) They should have a carefully restricted diet as infants.
Keyword: many of these allergies will not develop. If these foods are not fed to an infant until
Pembahasan: Simpulan tentang bayi adalah mereka harus memiliki pola makanan yang dibatasi dengan hati-hati (They should have a carefully restricted diet as infants).
16. The word “hyperactive” is closest in meaning to …
(A) overly active
(B) unusually low activity
(C) excited
(D) inquisitive
Jawab: (A) overly active
Keyword: children who are hyperactive
Pembahasan: Kata “hiperaktif” mirip dengan overly active (terlalu aktif)
• overly active = terlalu aktif
• unusually low activity = aktivitas luar biasa rendah
• excited = bersemangat
• inquisitive = ingin tahu
17. The author states that the reason that infants need to avoid certain foods related to allergies has to do with the infant’s …
(A) lack of teeth
(B) poor metabolism
(C) underdeveloped intestinal tract
(D) inability to swallow solid foods
Jawab: (C) underdeveloped intestinal tract
Keyword: until her or his intestines mature
Pembahasan: Dinyatakan dalam bacaan bahwa alasan bahwa bayi perlu menghindari makanan tertentu yang berhubungan dengan alergi karena saluran pencernaan yang belum berkembang baik.

Reading Comprehension Passage 3
A curfew is a specific type of law instituted by those In power. It is one that requires citizens to be off the streets and out of public places at specified hours.
There are active curfew laws in some communities in the United States today; these laws are currently functioning. The existing curfew laws generally refer to minors. These laws usually indicate the hour when the children must be off the streets and out of public unless they are with their parents.
Curfew laws have a long tradition. William of Normandy introduced the custom to the British Isles after his invasion there in 1066. At curfew time, a bell was rung. The pealing of the bell indicated that citizens should extinguish any burning fires and clear the streets for the night. The word curfew actually developed at this time from the Norman French expression couvre-feu or cover the fire.
 18. The word “minors” in paragraph 2 could be best replaced by …
(A) children
(B) communities
(C) public
(D) citizens
Jawab: (A) children
Keyword: generally refer to minors
Pembahasan: Minors = belum dewasa
• children = anak-anak
• communities = komunitas
• public = publik
• citizens = warga
19. Look at the word “pealing” in paragraph 3. This word is closest in meaning to which of the following?
(A) ringing
(B) uncovering
(C) breaking
(D) burning
Jawab: (A) ringing
Keyword: a bell was rung
Pembahasan: Pealing = bunyi
• ringing = dering
• uncovering = mengungkap
• breaking = pemecahan
• burning = pembakaran
20. Citizens should extinguish any burning fires, (paragraph 3). Word extinguish is closest in meaning to…
(A) put in
(B) put on
(C) put off
(D) put out
Jawab: (D) put out
Keyword: should extinguish any burning fire
Pembahasan: Extinguish = padam
• put in =memasukkan
• put on = memakai
• put off =menunda
• put out = memadamkan

Reading Comprehension Passage 4

Lichens, of which more than twenty thousand
species have been named, are complex associations
between certain algae. The lichen itself is not
an organism: rather it is the morphological and biochemical
product of the association. Neither a fungus
nor an alga alone can produce lichen.

The intimate relationship between these two
living components of lichen was once erroneously
though to represent mutualism. In mutual relationships,
both participants benefit. With lichens, however,
it appears the fungus actually parasitizes the algae.
This is one of the conclusions drawn from experiments
 in which the two components of lichens were separated
 and grown apart.

In nature, lichen fungi may encounter and
grow around saveral kinds of algae. Some types of
algae the fungi may kill; other types it may reject.
Lichen algae are autotrophic, meaning they make their
own food through photosynthesis. Lichen fungi are
heterotrophic, meaning they depend upon the algae
within the lichen to supply their food. Up to ninety
percent of than food made by the green alga cell is
transferred to the fungus. What, if anything, the fungus
contributes to the association is not well understood.

Lichens are hardly. The grow in many habitats
and are often pioneers in hostile environments
where few other organisms can flourish.

They have been known to grow
endolithically, having been discovered thriving inside
of rocks in Antartica. Lichen help reduce erosion by
stabilizing soil. Saveral kinds of insects glue lichens to
 their exoskeletons for camouflage.

Many species of birds use lichens as building
materials for nests. Human have used lichens for
dyes and antibiotics.

1. Which of the following best describes lichen association?
    A. Simple plants made of two different autotrophic organims.
    B. A mutual association between a fungus and an alga
    C. A parasitic association between two fungi, one autotrophic, the second autotrophic
    D. A union between a parasitic fungus and an autotrophic alga

Jawab: (B) 

2. The word "hardly" in line 26 is clossest in meaning to
    A. Tender
    B. Durable
    C. Armed
    D. Beneficial

Jawab: (B) 

3. In Biology, mutualism occurs when two different organism live close together and
    A. One organism parasitizes the other
    B. Both organism benefit from the association
    C. Both organism are harmed by the association
    D. One organism benefits while the other does not or is harmed by the association

Jawab: (B) 

4. In line 7, the word "intimate" is nearest in meaning to
    A. living
    B. Extraordinary
    C. Biological
    D. Close

Jawab: (D) 

5. Lichen serves as camouflage for which of the following?
    A. Insects
    B. Birds
    C. Reptiles
    D. Mammals

Jawab: (A)